Work With Me


I believe a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbal Medicine, dietary + lifestyle guidance, self care rituals and utilising western medicine when needed is a wonderful combination to help women achieve their fertility, pregnancy and postnatal goals. Ultimately it’s about feeling balanced, clear and connected. 

My Chinese medicine focus is

Fertility, ICSI + IVF

Acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal medicine help create the optimum environment to nurture a successful pregnancy and produce a healthy baby. Fertility acupuncture treatments help clear any emotional or physical blockages you may have, thereby enhancing your overall health, well-being and chances of conceiving naturally or assisted reproduction (ICSI + IVF). 

Pregnancy + Postnatal

Acupuncture is a safe  and effective treatment that has been used for over 2000 years to alleviate many conditions during pregnancy, labour and postpartum. Click here to learn about 31 conditions acupuncture helps during pregnancy.

The first six weeks after birth are a very important time to nourish the mum, after her long journey. Chinese herbs and acupuncture regulate her hormones + milk flow, speed up her recovery time and balance moods. 
Click here to find out 15 benefits of post natal treatments.

Facial Rejuvenation


General wellbeing

I treat everything from the common cold, to shoulder pain, digestive issues, stress, insomnia, weight loss


Working With Me Makes Sense If…

  • You are have women’s health concerns

  • You’re wanting a tune up and to feel more balanced

  • If you want to increase your natural fertility

  • If you are looking for IVF or ICSI support

  • You have experienced one or more miscarriage and are looking for support

  • If you are experiencing pain, nausea, anxiety or other pregnancy ailments

  • You are ready to encourage a natural labour

  • You are looking for some postnatal care to regulate hormones, speed up recovery time and help with
    breastfeeding and supply

  • You understand that acupuncture is accumulative and you will benefit from ongoing support

Health Funds I’m Covered With:

Acupuncture + Chinese Herbal Medicine

Hi Caps and credit card facilities are available.

More Information

For more information on what you are looking for please click below